Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Most Appropriate Description

Someone on another forum-and it escapes me who-once called Mr. Franks a 'confident liar.' It takes real stones to say something into the camera that you know isn't true and deliver it like it's written on stone tablets by the finger of God. And there has never been a more appropriate description when it comes to Mr. Franks. As his latest attempt to drag himself into the race for Lt. Governor, he's claimed that his opponent is afraid to 'distort' his record (such as it exists) to his face, despite the fact that they've appeared at the same forum several times!

Yes, the description of Mr. Franks as a 'confident liar' is certainly apt. One wonders, though, how long it will take the Bobby Harrisons and David Hamptons to jump on the bandwagon. Probably only as long as it takes to pick up their pom-poms.

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