Saturday, January 12, 2008

Chavez Blames the Jews

Seems things aren't so rosy down in Venezuela, where John Edwards, I mean, Hugo Chavez (read a transcript of their speeches and tell me you can see any difference), has begun going where most failed governments of the last century have gone when things have gone bad-they've started to kick the Jews.

The cultural ministry has published articles talking about "the Jewish Question" using a yellow Star of David crossed with a swastika. The authorities are raiding Jewish centers looking for weapons (perhaps they fear 'the Jewish street' rising up against them?). A recent article has suggested expelling the Jews from Venezuela (welcome to the 12th century, Hugo!)

People wonder why we here at the GRS are fervently opposed to economic crackpots and left wing looneys? Hugo's a prime example. Totalitiarian, paranoid, take-no-prisoners, blame the rich nuts have a place, but it ain't in power. The media in Venezuela is run by the state, the economy is run entirely by the state, and the state is run basically by Hugo Chavez' fiat. Despite billions in oil revenue from Citgo-a wholly owned subsidiary of the Venezuelan government-the government is spending more than it's taking in. It's as a warning to the rest of us in the civilized, western world that pie in the sky socialism leads to a loss of our freedom and dignity, and, for some people, their safety.

Read the Miami Herald article for more.

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