Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Candidate and the Fine People Who Support Him

A (recently) deleted reply to my last posting:

You really nailed it in your title—desperation IS a stinky cologne!

Allow me, if I may be so bold, as to impart to you a tale of rancid putrid desperation at its finest. This is a story, not about Mr. Franks, but about a man obsessed with him—the chronicle of *REDACTED*—an effete *REDACTED* driven to madness by his hatred for Mr. Franks.

My point is this, *REDACTED*: If a you have such loathing in your heart for one man (Mr. Franks), and such a yearning deep in your loins for another (Jeremy Martin)—should you be allowed to continue *REDACTED* of our fine state?

I’ll bet there are a lot of *REDACTED* who would be willing to weigh in on the subject, what do you think, *REDACTED*?

What fine people support this gentleman. Nothing I've said has been refuted. There's not one thing saying I've been wrong about even a comma. No, the first refuge of the truly scared is to try to scare those opposed them into silence-and of course, never using fact, only innuendo and threats.

When they coined the phrase 'politics of personal destruction,' this is exactly what they were talking about. Not shady business deals, not running around with people you aren't married to, but this very thing. Trying to silence a critic, not with an actual fact, mind you, but using the old stage magician's trick of distraction, by threatening some fearful revelation (which exists entirely within their minds) in order to shut the ordinary man up. It's a scare tactic, but guess what? I don't scare easily.

Mr. Franks would do well to ask himself why he and so many of his supporters are fixed upon labeling people 'queers,' though. Sounds like a bad hang up to me. I'd think to suggest that Mr. Franks himself penned the above reply, but I wouldn't go that far-after all, he didn't threaten to whip my ass, did he? And effete is such a big word, too. I bet he'd have to have Steve Holland tell him what it means and how to spell it.

A Christian who's more pious than the pope should denounce this type of attack. But I get the feeling that won't be forthcoming.

Once again, I suggest to Mr. Franks' supporters who come visit my site daily: Stop looking around every corner for who is doing the writing and ask yourselves, "Why is this person writing this-with obviously very little to gain?"

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