Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Timing, Thy Name Is Hampton

So David Hampton writes a story on how not wanting a mass of lawbreakers (which is what an illegal immigrant is, Davy-hence the name) to become free riders on the American system seems a little...oh, he doesn't so much say racist as he implies it throughout. And just like clockwork, here comes Brett Kittridge letting us all know about a case in Rankin County in which one man was killed and another two wounded during a 'melee' on the Reservoir in Jackson.

I guess we should all be demanding justice for those poor men. After all, they're probably victims of some mean white men anyway. Whoever they killed probably had it coming, right, Dave? That's what social justice is, after all-making up for past transgressions by the white man against those of stronger melanin content than him.

Good writing, Davy. Hope the families of those three men-one of whom has lost a loved one-enjoy your work as much as I do. Of course, I find it funny in an out-of-touch sort of way. They probably think something different. I guess that makes them racist or something.

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