Monday, August 13, 2007

A Retort to Yaw-Yaw

Dear Yaw-Yaw,

I'm sorry your teachers at Saltillo High didn't do such a good job at the reading comprehension thing.

If I am to young to run for office then why don't you go tell a mother that lost her son in war or Veteran that fought and served overseas the same thing.

'cause I didn't say that. Your buddy Jamie Franks Jr did in 2003, when his opponent was 24. Personally I voted for the young fella. Go cry in your oatmeal over something else.

Yes I lived in the Mooreville School district but there is a law that says any student that's parents work in Lee County School district can attend ANY school without paying tuition

That's good. I'd hate to think you left because you wanted 'a real foosbaw coach.' How'd that work out for you?

You can call my father what you want

I know; telling anyone they've worked for Johnny Green for 10-12 years is akin to saying they smelled of elderberries.

Remember as well that Mooreville Jr. High, High School, and Elementary are graded out EVERY year as having some of the highest test scores in the county. Apparently someone is doing something right

Then why'd you leave? Oh, that's right-foosbaw. How'd that work out for you?

They have great teachers and GREAT LEADERSHIP

Too bad none of it resides at the central office. Once again, the worst thing I've said is that your father is a long time employee of Johnny Green. If I'm wrong, let me know.

Its easy to talk down about another individual while lifting yourself up in the process.

There's a few foosbaw coaches that wish you'd have taken that advice on your own. But I guess it's different for you, huh? Sounds exactly like what I want in my representative. Then again, I've had it for 12 years.

I have been writing speeches all summer so I have become accustomed to writing how I would speak.

Then you'd better get a translator for the Yaw Yaws.

"Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house."

Here's something for you:

Don't give up the ship. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. There's something rotten in the state of Denmark. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Live free or die. I have nothing to give but blood, sweat, toil and tears. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Beer before liquor, never sicker. Where's the beef? My name is Gladiator. Tastes great, less filling. Beam me up, Scotty. I pity the fool. Stellllaaaaa! Can you hear me now?

I know who you are.

Don't tell me...I'm a "queer" and you're going to "whip my ass?"

If you know who I am then you know where I live.

These are my boots. I'm not quaking in them.

Cowards point fingers and blame others for not accomplishing things in there life.

I'm rolling on the floor laughing at you. Seriously. Comparing me and you is like comparing the Harlem Globetrotters to the Washington Generals.

I respect your opinions and beliefs

No you don't. You just wrote thirty minutes of "shut the hell up or else," complete with the ominous "I know who you are." Go play tough guy with Matt Damon. He's more convincing than you anyway.

Just remember who gave you those rights.

The refuge of the intellectually beaten-claim to be the victim, then give an empty platitude. John Edwards would be proud. Here's a suggestion. If you want to be a public official, grow some thick skin, especially on your tooshie. And please, work on your reading comprehension.

And get a bigger boat.


The Commander

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