Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Champions of the Little Man

There's nothing like being the Champion of the Little Man. When you declare yourself that, you're fighting the uphill climb against the big businessman, the fat cat, the corporation, the Man, who's (probably) Republican. The media will love you, you'll be cheered by the masses.

That is, until you start suing the little man. Then, he's probably not real glad you're 'championing' him anymore. Just ask small businessman Jerry Wilburn, who is being sued by the state right now over price gouging at his gas stations throughout Itawamba and Lee counties. Yes, that's right: It's not Chevron or Citgo or BP or ExxonMobil that's being sued by our state; it's a small time operation. No bad press to be gotten out of this one, because the press filed it and forgot about it.

I guess he got the idea from our representative, Jamie Franks Jr, who has in the past sued the Mooreville One Stop, a small convienience store located a stone's throw from his house. Yes, that's right: The Champion of the Little Man hit up his own neighbor in a lawsuit. I guess they're equal opportunity ambulance chasers, our rep and our AG: Wilburn owns a store that operates within a mile and a half of the Mooreville One Stop. It's amazing that you can go to Mooreville, home of one James R. Franks Jr, and one of the more prominent businesses has signs for dang near every candidate running in its lawn, both locally and statewide, except for Mr. Franks.

Seven miles, Daily Journal Staff. Seven miles to Mooreville from your office. You can go and be back before the lunch hour is over. Me, Jerry and Imarie are waiting on you. But, we won't hold our breath.

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