Friday, July 27, 2007

Where am I?

Walking to an fro, and up and down the Earth, to hear people tell...

Does it really matter where I am, Office Blogger? I'm in the state of Mississippi (only occasionally waiting for the thought police to come knocking). After all, the internet was invented to slander people anonymously. The problem is nothing I've said is slander (or libel, for you people who will quote Spider-Man if I don't note it). Now, if I were to say that Mr. Franks had a two-headed love child with Debbie Gibson that was being raised by a demonically posessed Steve Holland, that could be considered slander.

I have heard, dear friends, from reliable sources that there are folks looking around to find out exactly who I am. Some of them work for Lee County Schools. Some of them have names that rhyme with Ronnie Breen and Misa Pranks.

Keep looking. You'll have better luck finding Harvey the Rabbit or Andy DuFresne. Maybe they should stop looking around every corner for me and George Bush and ask themselves, "Why is this person writing this?" I guess when (and if) they find out I'll find a blue piece of paper delivered to my home reading "Cease and Desist." After all, this here free speech is dangerous. Only responsible people like Dan Rather, Jayson Blair, David Hampton, Bobby Harrison, Leesha Faulkner, and 'Scott Thomas' should be trusted with free speech.

Just remember, you may not like what you find if you find me. You may need a bigger boat.

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