Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ike Brown, Where Are You?

Ike Brown probably needs no introduction to anyone reading this blog; he's on a one-man quest to remove anyone not loyal enough to the "D" party, and he has the dubious distinction of being the first person proven to be discriminating against whites under the civil rights legislation of the 1960s.

Anyway, Ike, I'd like to bring your attention to someone who, in a meeting with his constituents in the fall of '99 openly supported Republican Lt. Governor candidate Bill Hawks. He stated that he didn't normally vote for any Republican (the true sign of an intellect, I'm sure anyone will agree-especially any media member reading-is reflexively voting for one party's candidates straight-ticket. All those sophisticated Manhattanites do it, after all), but if he had to, he'd vote for Bill Hawks.

Remember, this was a race won by a Democrat, Amy Tuck. Just because she's a Republican now, doesn't mean she wasn't a Dem then. And loyalty is what matters, Ike. So please, I'd like you to push to de-certify your 2007 Democratic Lt. Governor candidate, Jamie Franks Jr, who had the nerve to tell people he was planning to vote Republican, even if it meant giving control of the upper house of the legislature to a member of the other party. Of course, he and his friends were the ones who pushed Lt. Gov. Tuck into the "R" column anyway, so I guess that's double-plus good in your book, huh?

When do the two minutes of George Bush hate begin?

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